Demo RE Registration 2024-2025

2024-2025 RE/DASH Registration

Step 1: Know our Program, Guidelines and Changes

A. Under Learn the Faith tab, make sure to check out the links specific to your child(ren)’s grade levels to know more specific details about their program.

B. Please make sure you have read the RE Family Handbook

C. Please also read these special documents from the Diocese:

*Your signature on the registration form will confirm that you have read the above three documents.

D. Be sure to add class dates and other important events to your calendar.

2024-2025 RE & DASH Calendar


Step 2: Share your talent and time

Our program does not exist without many volunteers.
Prayerfully consider VOLUNTEERING – here are current needs

*All volunteers must go through the Protecting God’s Children online course which includes a background check, reading policies and completing mandated reporter training.


Step 3:  Special Situations

SPICE (Special People Included in Catholic Environments)

Sacrament Preparation for Older students (Students 3rd grade and up needing Baptism, Reconciliation, and/or Eucharist)

If either situation applies to your family, please contact Cathy Gillooly, 630-554-1425, to share information and your specific needs. We will help guide you with what to write on your registration form.


Step 4:  2024-2025 Registration Form

2024-2025 RE Registration Form with Instructions

Make sure to carefully read the entire 1st page of registration before you begin.
This tells you how to turn in the form and what a completed registration means in order for it to be in the queue for processing.

Registrations need to be completed by Monday, August 19, 2024.


Step 5:  Make a payment

Some kind of payment needs to accompany your registration

Early Bird (thru July 31st) = Payment in full or 50% of your total + any Sacrament fees

Regular Rate (August 1st onwards) = You must either pay in full OR pay at least $50 towards your balance and complete payment plan form.

If you are in severe financial hardship and cannot make any payment plans, please call us.

If paying with a credit card via our PayPal link:

If paying via check, make it out to: St. Anne RE
Mail to: St. Anne Religious Education, PO Box 670, Oswego, IL 60543


Step 6: What’s next?

We will send out an email to all families who registered to let you know your child’s assigned day/time. This email may take a few weeks to come. Please be patient