Mass Attendance Guidelines

To the Faith Community of St. Anne: The Mother of Mary

The dispensation to attend Sunday Mass remains in place until Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022.  Of course, if individuals are ill or contagious to others, Canon law allows them to decide for themselves if they should attend Mass.  To read Bishop Hicks’ letter regarding the removal of the dispensation click here:  Dispensation_Lifts_For_Palm_Sunday

We trust that everyone will be treated with dignity and respect in their personal decisions on the new protocols.

Masks are not required.

Church seating
All seats are open.

Reception of Communion
Communion in the hand continues to be the norm. We will follow Diocesan guidelines for those who wish to receive on the tongue.

Collection and Stewardship
The collection basket is passed throughout the congregation.   We continue to encourage parishioners to participate in our EGIVING:

Youtube Mass
You may still connect with us via our weekly livestream Mass at 7:30 AM.   You may join live or view at your own time: