Mass Intention Requests
A very limited number of Mass intentions are available for 2025. There are no weekends available and the Masses open are at the end of the year.
The 2026 Mass intention book will open April 1, 2025. Mass intention requests must be submitted in writing. Please mail to PO Box 670, Oswego, IL 60543 or email: Please include:
- Date/Time you would like (Since there is only one intention per Mass, we cannot always guarantee that the date you wish will be available. We ask that you be flexible.)
- Name of who the Mass is for
- Name of who the Mass is requested by
- If a card is needed, we will mail it to you or to the person you would like to be notified. Please provide the full address. Arrangements can also be made for you to pick up a card.
There is a $10.00 offering for a Mass. A check can be mailed to the parish office at P.O. Box 670, Oswego, IL 60543 or you may use our EGIVING and choose the fund “Mass Intentions”
This year, we are instituting a limit of ten Mass intentions (5 weekend Masses and 5 weekday Masses per family) for the 2026 Mass intention book. This policy is being implemented to ensure that Masses remain available for new intentions. While we only accept one intention per Mass, that intention can include two or three close family members (such as parents or siblings) or all the deceased members of a family.