DASH 3 (typically 8th grade) Students
The purpose of DASH 3 is to focus on the meaning of faith and discipleship by:
- Spending ample time on one’s prayer life and personal relationship with Jesus
- Discussing the Holy Spirit and how to live out the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Diving deeper into tenants of the faith in the Nicene Creed
- Relooking at the awesome gift of the Eucharist
- Learning more about our Catholic faith and Mass
NEW for 2024-2025 year students will have three options and can choose to commit to a different day/time each semester but not flip flop between days/times within a semester.
1st Semester
1) Sunday 5:30 – 7pm: “ENVISION” – Knowing our identity through God’s plan
2) Monday 6 – 7:15pm: “STAY SALTY” – Modern application of eternal truths on morality, virtue, and Catholic Tradition
3) Wednesday 5:15 – 6:30pm: “Acts of the Apostle BIBLE STUDY”
4) Two remote options (reading a book or completing Magis Center Science & Faith Course)
2nd Semester
1) Sunday 5 – 7pm Youth Ministry based model
2) Monday 6-7:15pm Textbook/video based model
3) Wednesday 5:15 – 6:30pm Textbook/video based model
- The Sunday session format offers some large group experiences and smaller group discussion. It’s important that a teen does not miss sessions. The depth and engagement of DASH happens when we are together as a group in person, through large group presentations, conversation, small group time, and prayer experiences.
- Though the weekday options will not have the same variety or prayer experiences or large group activities, the level of content shared and forming trust in group dynamics requires that a student be present for every session.
Also new for this year is a change in our attendance policy. For the past 10 years students have been expected to do make-up work in the case of any absence. This year, with more options for a family’s schedule, there is a tighter attendance policy allowing for only 2 hours missed per semester but not giving make-up content unless it is an extra important lesson.
As stated on the Confirmation page, Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (CCC #1309) is aimed at: a person’s understanding of Church teaching, PRACTICE OF PRAYER (having a more intimate union with Christ and familiarity with the Holy Spirit) through SERVICE (part of a responsibility of Christian life) so that they have a strong foundation to know how to first LIVE and then defend their faith.
THUS here are the ADDITIONAL (required) COMPONENTS for DASH 3/Confirmation
1) Special Speaker for Teen, Parent, and Sponsor: Sunday, October 6th 4 – 6pm.
Maggie Craig, a dynamic Catholic speaker, will speak to all DASH 2 & 3 students and parents from 4 – 5:15pm and once those in D2 leave, some logistics about Confirmation and the role of sponsors will be covered.
2) Starting after the October 6th meeting, “talk time topics” with Sponsors should begin (Sponsors will be given initial topics at the meeting, and future topics will be emailed to them. It is up to the sponsor to initiate this task to engage in deeper conversation.)
3) Prayer Experiences (new term for your Faithboosters)
- Each month, October – April, you are asked to create the habit, or become stronger in prayer if you already have a prayer habit, by spending time in prayer – via new experiences – every day for at least 15 minutes. **Prayer Experience options are given in the Prayer Material that will be posted in a student’s Google Classroom.
- These experiences are tried and true methods that teens (and adults) have used to discover their personal spirituality (best way to engage with God) and thus work on their prayer life and conversation with Jesus.
- You will start by all doing the same experience and then choosing 3-4 different prayer styles (1 per month) before creating your prayer plan utilizing those options.
- At the beginning of each month, a Prayer Experience reflection will be posted in Google Classroom to complete for the prior month.
4) Discipleship Project
- New for 2024-2025, all D3 students are asked to take a big role in a Parish/Community Service Project called Harvest Sunday. There are many facets to this great endeavor to bring in food to help those in Kendall County. Details will be shared in the Fall/Winter.
- Students will also be asked to choose another small meaningful project, ideally connected to a Corporal (or Spiritual) Work of Mercy, that is close to their heart. A teen could also instead choose to take part in one of the many Ministry Projects highlighted for those in DASH 2. Or D3 small groups/classes could also consider doing a small project together such as Operation Christmas Shoebox building in Aurora; Phil’s Friends; Ronald McDonald House drive/food prep; or Purple Heart.
- At the end of the year, a short Discipleship Project Reflection form will be assigned via Google Classroom
5) Saint Report
- Students started to look at saints in DASH 1, a bit more with their name report in DASH 2, and now it is time to choose a saint as your heavenly mentor.
- Not sure how to choose? Check out purpose of Choosing a Saint name page
- Want to see what you will be asked to write/research? Research Requirements
6) Attendance at #iNfUSed Confirmation retreat -typically the 3rd Saturday in August
7) Final letter requesting Confirmation OR conversation with the Director of Confirmation