The Leprosy of our Lives

October 9, 2016

It was a crowd of ten who approached Jesus.  It was a group that knew their blemishes, knew their deformities.  Their leprosy was for all to see.  It was easy to shame lepers in the time of Jesus.  Knowing their desire, knowing their state in life, they approached Jesus.  It is easier to seek help when the imperfections are so obvious and can’t be hidden.  Jesus is the one with power.  Jesus is the one they seek since society has shunned them.  The invitation today is to go deeper than the sores that might touch our skin.  There is leprosy of the soul and of our minds. There are many forms of leprosy that are hidden to the naked eye.  These also need the power of Jesus, yet because they are hidden and not so obvious, many do not seek His power.

Because our form of leprosy is likely hidden, sometimes we just become so comfortable with our sin and the bad habits of our lives that we no longer feel we need healing.  Scott Peck, in his book People of the Lie, concludes we have become so comfortable with our sin that we no longer see it.  There is a lot of leprosy around.  It can find its way into conversations that become political; prejudices inflame how we listen to one another.  Sometimes it is found in the deep depression that young people can fall into because of peer pressure.  There are people with leprosy all around us.  There very well might be leprosy spreading within ourselves.  The question is not do we have the disease; it is where do we go for help?  Jesus is still the answer; Jesus is still the one with the power to heal.  Those with leprosy knew where to go, and so do we.  The first step of that journey begins with the acknowledgment that we need help.

A few weeks ago when I had the meeting with the second grade parents, I spoke to the reality of being honest with ourselves about the depth of sin we commit.  When we bring that to the Lord, the Lord’s saving grace will go deeper. The more we can bring to the Lord the more He will lift it up, unburden us and then invite us to give God the glory.  Whenever anything miraculous happens, whenever true healing takes place, God is to be praised.  None of this can happen without the first step.  We have to look into the mirror and admit our own leprosy.

Reverend John J. Ouper