Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage should call the parish office at least six months before the date of marriage. A wedding date may not be secured until meeting with a parish Deacon or Priest. At that time, the couple can secure a date and begin the process of preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage.
Contact the Parish Office: 630-554-3331
Marriage Preparation
As part of Marriage Preparation at St. Anne, engaged couples are paired with a marriage sponsor couple. A team of trained married sponsor couples will coordinate with the clergy in preparing the engaged couples of the St. Anne Parish community for a lifelong commitment.
The sponsor couples do this by:
- Sharing our own personal marital challenges and successes so as to act as mentor couples for the engaged.
- Holding home sessions with the engaged couples to work on growth areas in a non-judgmental, loving way. Prayer begins and ends each session
- Actively listening and fostering open communication between the engaged female and male on key issues, such as Family of Origin, Communication, Friends and Family, Religion and Values, Co-habitation, Parenting, Sacramentality, Commitment, Sexuality and Intimacy, Conflict Resolution and Finances, etc.
- Emphasizing that Christ is the Third Person in a strong marriage
Marriage Preparation Coordinators: Kurt and Lucy Koepele