Made in Heaven

Week of August 9, 2015

There is a great movement in the United States of America that caught steam—”Made in America”. Buy American and keep jobs in our country. This speaks to a sentiment that the origin of the manufacturer is important and says something about the person who purchases the item. There is a pride that it came from this place. On my travels to Israel, I have found that something made in the Holy Land becomes special because it was made in Israel. When I took my parents to Jerusalem, we spent hours looking for a nativity set made out of olive wood for each of my siblings. From shop to shop we went, until we could make a good deal. The importance of the place of origin, where they were made, was deeper than the carvings themselves.

Jesus tell us “I am the living Bread that came down from heaven.” He tells us the origin, this living sacrifice of His life, began in the divine plan of God the Father who sent Him to redeem the world. The origin of the plan is significant and tells us of the power of the Holy Trinity. This is not only the Body and Blood of Jesus we consume, but it is the outpouring of the plan formed by our heavenly Father and made known to us by the Holy Spirit. This is made in heaven. This is the life of Christ as it coincides with all of God’s love.

The celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist is a liturgy with the new and eternal covenant at its core. When we say “Amen”, we say yes to the divine origin of this gift. We realize Jesus leaves heaven and comes to earth here at St. Anne. He who sits at the right hand of the Father transcends the universe to be physically and really present. This “Amen”, this experience unites all of God’s creation and His salvific act.

Jesus goes on to say, “Whoever eats this bread will live forever”. Our joy of taking part of the celebration of the Eucharist leads us forward on our pathway to heaven. We who consume the Body and Blood of Jesus are given the promise of eternal life. We who partake of this sacred meal will live forever. This is an eternal covenant, it is a promise made to us by God.

May we eat and drink of the glory of God made in heaven.

Rev. John J. Ouper