Following the Guidebook

December 11, 2016

Have you ever gone traveling?  How do you do your research about your destination?  When I travel I usually pick up a guidebook.  I like reading and seeing pictures.  The map allows me to look at miles that need to be crossed.  I try to read up so I won’t miss anything of importance.  One time in Egypt, I wanted to go to the camel market where they sell camels.  The driver of the cab I got into was confused.  At a corner he pulled over and talked to some people. He even took the guidebook out to show them.  They spoke to the driver and he took me to the market.  It is not always easy to get to the destination we find intriguing.   The prophet Isaiah gives us a guidebook to the Messiah.  He tells us what to look for; the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf will be cleared and the lame will gain strength.  These are monumental sites to visit.  The mystery of God will be revealed in a special way when this happens.  In the time of John the Baptist, after he was imprisoned, he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask if He is the one.  He tells them to check the guidebook.  He is doing what the prophet told them he would.  He answers the question with the reality of his actions.  Tell John the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame leap for joy.  He never just says yes.  He tells them to reflect on the guidebook, get invested in this journey.  To just say yes is to take away the commitment they need to realize—He is the fulfillment of the promise.  Jesus wants them to know Him not just because He told them, but because they discovered it for themselves.  When they are able to do this, they are personally connected.  They are committed.

Use the guidebook, look for the signs, let God reveal His love.

Reverend John J. Ouper