Congratulations to Father Ryan on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Week of May 27, 2018

It is a great day of grace to have newly ordained Fr. Ryan with us, celebrating his first Mass.  It is a blessing for our parish who, alongside his family, has watched him grow up, has nurtured his faith and has witnessed God calling him to the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

On this day we hear the Gospel tell us how Jesus sent forth His disciples to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  On this day many will rejoice in receiving a blessing from the newly ordained Fr. Ryan; a blessed ritual of joy and significance.  He will pray over those gathered and bless them in the same words of the Gospel, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  It is our hope and prayer for Fr. Ryan, that God may bless his continued ministry, which he begins in a new way this weekend as a priest. May the power of the Holy Trinity surround him with protection, inspire him with love, and challenge him to be a servant who follows in the footsteps of Christ.

May God who has begun this great work in the life of Fr. Ryan bring it to fulfillment in the everlasting kingdom of God’s Grace.  Congratulations Fr. Ryan!

Reverend John J. Ouper