Blessed are the Meek
July 9, 2017
In the first reading the prophet Zachariah tells us what to look for in a Savior. While the world looks at power based on weapons of mass destruction and the numbers of troops and drones, the prophet points us in a different direction. We will find our Savior riding on a colt. This is a reference to the triumphant entrance of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. It is what we as a people of faith celebrate on Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Jesus makes His way into the city not with guns and weapons, but with believers armed with palms. The fact that He does not rely on powerful weapons is what signifies His definition of being meek. He trusts things beyond what can harm the body. Although His body will be tortured and scourged, and He will be nailed to the cross, His meekness accepts what can happen to the flesh because He is in touch with what is to happen with the soul.
In the Gospel we again hear Jesus invite everyone who has burdens to come to Him. He invites everyone who has concerns to come to Him. He defines Himself as meek and humble of heart. His invitation invites us to recognize the real meaning of meekness. When we define what a meek person is, we often look at those who are soft-spoken and shy, someone who could easily be pushed around. Jesus shows this definition does not apply to meekness. One who is meek is open to wisdom, knowing that the conflict and burdens of this world are nothing compared to the joy of immortality.
Meekness begins with humility. It begins with the knowledge of the soul. Those who are humble are ones who know that nothing of this world lasts, but what is eternal will never end. To stay fixed on those things is to allow the soul to take the lead. To allow the soul to take the lead one must realize the connection of God to the plan of salvation. It is not easy to let go of the things of this world. In Biblical times they were searching for a Messiah. What did they look for? They looked for a military leader who could overthrow the Romans. This was a short-sighted vision which was only looking at the present moment. Being far sighted, being meek and humble of heart, we realize what must unfold is the plan of salvation. The Savior is one who came to fulfill the sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of all sin. Jesus accepted this cross.
Today we all are invited to the journey of meekness. Blessed are those who are meek for they will experience the glory of God.
Reverend John J. Ouper