A Note From Father Eickhoff

May 12, 2024

The one sure way to know that summertime is upon us is not to be found in the trees suddenly being covered in green leaves, nor is it to be found in the A/C suddenly working full-time during the day. No, the best indicator of the beginning of summer can be found in all the graduation signs that are posted around schools and homes. To all the graduates of elementary schools, high schools, and colleges in our parish I want to extend my congratulations and my good wishes for your future studies or endeavors.

Since summertime is upon us, I want to share with you the major upcoming scheduled activities for the summer months here at St. Anne Parish.

In the month of June St. Anne Parish will hold a special 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration that will run from Friday, June 21st to Saturday, June 22nd. This time of adoration will be the closing event in our parish for the national Year of the Eucharist that the Catholic Church in the United States has been celebrating the past year. As we get closer to the event there will be a sign-up asking parishioners to commit to spending one hour with the Holy Eucharist during the 24-hour period.

July will be a busy month in the parish as several events will take place in quick succession in the second half of the month. On July 17th St. Anne Parish will host the Catholic Men’s Night which will be open to all Catholic men from St. Anne and other parishes. More information will be coming out shortly about this event including how to sign up to attend.

Vacation Bible School will run from July 22nd to July 25th. Please keep an eye out for upcoming information about Vacation Bible School for signing up youth participants as well as opportunities to volunteer to help out. Last year the VBS program was a great success and we hope for greater success this summer.

Finally, St. Anne Parish will celebrate the feast day of our patron saint on July 26th with both a special Mass of Thanksgiving as well as a reception to follow the Mass. More information will be coming out in the coming weeks.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff