A Note From Father Eickhoff

January 28, 2024

There are a few items that I want to bring to your attention today.

The first is that the final numbers of the past year’s Catholic Ministry Annual Appeal have come in and I am glad to report to you that the people of St. Anne Parish were very generous in supporting the appeal.  Our goal last year was $109,300.  The actual amount that was received was $133,493. Since 70 percent of the money raised over the goal amount is rebated to St. Anne Parish our parish also gained $16,935 from your generosity.  As you have seen and heard, the 2024 Catholic Ministry Annual Appeal is now beginning and I hope you will be just as supportive of it this year as you were last year.

The second item is that the 2025 Mass intention book will open on February 7, 2024.  This is earlier than in previous years since the 2024 Mass intention book is almost completely filled. Mass intention requests must be submitted in writing. Please mail to: PO Box 670, Oswego, IL 60543 or email: stanne@stanneparish.org.  Please include in your request:

  • Date/Time you would like (since there is only one intention per Mass, we cannot guarantee that the date you wish will be available.)
  • Name of the who the Mass is for.
  • Name of who the Mass is requested by.
  • If a card is needed, we will mail it to you or to the person you would like to be notified. Please provide the full address. The card can also be picked up in the office.

There is a $10 offering for a Mass. A check can be mailed to the parish office or you may use the EGIVING on the parish website (click on the “Support Us” button on the bottom of the webpage) and choose the fund “Mass Intentions.”  https://giving.ncsservices.org/App/Giving/ncs-1474

This year we are instituting a ten Mass intention limit for the 2025 Mass intention book.  This is being done to ensure that Masses are available for new intentions.  While we only accept one intention per Mass that one intention can be for two or three close family members (such as parents or siblings) or for all the deceased members of a family.

Finally, I am happy to report that Fr. Dan is continuing to improve and that he is able to receive visitors.  His new permanent address is:

St. Patrick Residence
1400 Brookdale Road
Naperville, IL  60563

His room assignment is still in flux so you will have to check in at the front desk.  Also he is not accepting phone calls at this time.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff