A Note From Father Eickhoff
October 29, 2023
In today’s Second Reading St. Paul remarks to his listeners that they have become an example of Christian faith and devotion to many other followers of Christ throughout the region. For they have not only heard the Word of God, but they have truly incorporated the Word of God into how they live their lives. This is a wonderful example for us to follow. Here at St. Anne there are a number of upcoming opportunities to worship God; deepen our devotion to God; and to serve God and our neighbor. Some of these opportunities are listed below, but there are others. I encourage you to read through the bulletin for all the details.
This week features two important feast days of the Church in which we recall our brothers and sisters in Christ who have died. The Solemnity of All Saints – which is a holy day of obligation – is on Wednesday, November 1. Masses will be held at 7am, 12pm, 5.30pm, and 7pm. The Feast of All Souls is on Thursday, November 2. Masses will be held at 7am and 7pm. The difference between these two feast days is that on All Saints we praise God for our deceased brothers and sisters in Christ who are now rejoicing with God in His Kingdom; and on All Souls we pray for our deceased brothers and sisters who are still striving to purify their souls so as to join the saints in the Kingdom of God.
Training for new altar servers will take place on Saturday, November 4 at 10am in the church. Boys and girls in grades 5 and up are invited to come and learn how to serve during the Mass.
The next presentation of Presence: the Mystery of the Eucharist will be held on Tuesday, November 7. There will be two sessions: the first at 9.30am and the second at 7pm. You need not have attended the first presentation to come to this presentation.
Coming up later in November St. Anne Parish will be holding a collection to support the Kendall County Community Food Pantry. On the weekend of November 11-12 food items can be dropped off in the church narthex when you come to Mass. The food pantry is looking for the following items:
AuGratin Potatoes; Cans of Pie Fruit; Cranberry Sauce; Oil; Mayo; Coffee; Pancake Mix; Syrup; Pop Tarts; Feminine Products; Diapers (sizes 4&5); and All purpose cleaner.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Eickhoff