A Note From Father Eickhoff

January 22, 2023

This week’s bulletin article is a mix of announcements and odds and ends.

First, I want to thank the monks of Marmion Abbey for their assistance to St. Anne Parish by providing priests to say some of the Masses both on Thursday mornings and on Saturday and Sunday.  Their generosity is greatly appreciated.  You may have heard that the monks of Marmion Abbey will no longer be providing a priest to say Mass on Thursday morning starting this week and this news is true. They will continue to assist the parish by providing a priest to say some of the Masses during the weekends.  The reason for this change is simple.  Sending monks who are priests to say Mass in various parishes takes these men away from their primary function.  That primary function is to be a community of men supporting each other in living lives of holiness through regular prayer and work.  If the priests who are part of the community are always absent from the monastery during community prayer, then the monastic community life of prayer is harmed.  I strongly suggest that parishioners of St. Anne Parish pray for the monks of Marmion Abbey and for increased vocations to the religious life.

For the time being the Thursday morning Mass will continue to be said by a visiting priest.

Second, I want to encourage everyone who has not yet signed up for The Search to do so. The program is designed to be easily accommodating to busy schedules so if you have been worried about committing yourself to attending The Search for seven straight weeks on the same day, then worry no more.  You can attend The Search on different days each week if that is what is available in your busy schedules.  The Search begins the week of January 29 so sign up quickly.

Finally, I want to remind you that the Season of Lent is rapidly approaching.  Ash Wednesday will be on February 22 this year.  During this Season of Lent there will be extra opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and for attending Eucharistic Adoration.  So please check back for the exact dates and times.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff