A Note From Father Eickhoff

March 9, 2025

Now that the Season of Lent has begun it is proper to consider what we can do to prepare for the celebration of Easter. This is what the Lenten Season is all about. We prepare for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our preparations are not with decorations and games, but rather we inwardly ready ourselves to worthily give thanks to God for our salvation. This readiness has two parts. The first part is to recognize our need for salvation. We recall our sins and transgressions, and we ask God for forgiveness. The second step is to commit ourselves to living rightly – with the help of God – according to the teaching of Jesus Christ so that we do not sin in the future. Both of these steps are dependent upon prayer and taking the time for self-reflection.

At St. Anne there will be a number of opportunities to pray during the Lenten Season. Every Friday at 7pm in the church we will pray together the Stations of the Cross. This is an ancient form of prayer in which we walk in the footsteps of our Lord as He suffered and died for our salvation. Each week a different ministry in the parish will help to lead the Stations. Last week the Music Ministry helped to lead Stations. This Friday will be the turn of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Praying before the Blessed Sacrament is another excellent form of prayer. Adoration is held every Wednesday evening in the parish chapel at 7pm and every Friday morning at 8.30am in the church. In addition, there will be a special 24 hours of adoration beginning on Friday, April 4th at 12pm and extending through 12pm Saturday, April 5th. During this time the church will be open for everyone to come and pray before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Later this month there will be a signup poster in the back of church for people to commit themselves to being present so that the Blessed Sacrament is never alone during these 24 hours. You do not need to sign up to come and pray, but if you can commit yourself to spending an hour it will be greatly appreciated.

Finally, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is of great importance during the Lenten Season. Confessions are heard for one hour every Wednesday evening at 7pm and every Saturday afternoon at 3.30pm. In addition, there will be a special Lenten Reconciliation Service on Sunday, March 16th beginning at 3pm here at St. Anne. There are many priests who have committed to come and help to hear confessions. The procedure for the Reconciliation Service is simple. Simply walk in, pray ahead of time if you like, and then go to a priest for confession.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff
