A Note From Father Eickhoff
February 16, 2025
I am writing in haste this morning so if you were hoping for a theologically oriented bulletin article this week you are out of luck.
Instead, I want to point out that the 2025 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is currently underway. Many of you have received a packet in the mail about the appeal and many of you have already responded to the appeal by pledging a contribution or outright donating to the appeal. If you have, I thank you. Last year St. Anne Parish comfortably exceeded our goal amount, and I am grateful for your assistance in making that goal. Of course, mailing out a packet is not the only means of getting the word out about the appeal that the diocese uses. There is also the Bishop’s message which will be played next weekend at all the Masses. I will be on vacation next weekend which is unfortunate. Why unfortunate you ask? Simply because when the Bishop sends out a message to be played during all the weekend Masses I don’t have to prepare a homily that weekend. In effect, the Bishop’s message is wasting the break in homily preparation that my vacation would normally give me. Oh well. Anyway, the weekend of February 22-23 we will hear the Bishop’s message and I will encourage you to consider donating or pledging to the CMAA this year.
Also, I want to point out again that since I will be on vacation from Friday, February 21 to Saturday, March 1st there will be changes to the liturgy schedule. First off, all weekend Masses and confessions will be held as normal. The weekday schedule will be as follows:
Thursday, February 20th – Mass at 8am (note that this is a change from the schedule announced in last weekend’s bulletin)
Friday, February 21st – Communion Service at 8am followed by adoration
Monday, February 24th – Mass at 8am
Tuesday, February 25th – Mass at 7am
Wednesday, February 26th – Communion Service at 8am, Adoration at 7pm, No confessions
Thursday, February 27th – Communion Service at 7am
Friday, February 28th – Communion Service at 8am followed by adoration
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Eickhoff