A Note From Father Eickhoff

January 5, 2025

Merry Christmas!

I have not yet had the opportunity to thank in print all the people of St. Anne Parish who went out of their way to prepare the parish for the Christmas festivities. I want to do so now. And by doing so, I hope that everyone in the parish will appreciate how much we rely upon the efforts of parishioners who volunteer their time to ensure that our worship of God during this Christmas Season is truly joyous and festive.

First of all, I want to thank the deacons of the parish for all their efforts they put in during the Season of Advent and the Christmas Season to provide opportunities for parishioners to spiritually prepare themselves for Christmas. I also want to thank the staff of the parish for all the extra work they put in during the past few weeks to make the parish ready for Christmas.

I really want to thank all the many volunteers from among the parishioners who take the time from their busy schedules to assist in the Mass or getting the church ready for the Christmas Masses. They are the volunteers that you all see during the Mass, such as the altar servers, ushers, lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers. Without their assistance and the time that they put into preparing for their roles during the Mass our worship of God would be made more difficult and less awesome (as in creating a sense of awe and wonder) to participate in. I also want to thank the various choirs and musicians of the parish for all their hard work in preparing for and preforming during the Christmas Masses. How diminished would our praise of God be without music? Fortunately, we don’t have to find out here at St. Anne Parish. Finally, I especially want to thank the Arts and Environment Committee for their creative work in decorating the church for Christmas.

To everyone who came out to worship God and to praise our newborn king and savior Jesus Christ during this Christmas Season I wish you a Holy New Year and I will pray that this coming year will be filled with the knowledge and love of God in your lives that Jesus Christ has brought to us.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff