A Note From Father Eickhoff
December 15, 2024
The final days of preparation for Christmas begin this week. In the Church’s liturgy (both the Mass and the daily prayer of the Church – the Liturgy of the Hours) on the 17th of December begin the “O Antiphons” which are short introductory prayers used in the final days leading up to Christmas. For example, this is the “O Antiphon” used on Wednesday, December 18th:
O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai; come to rescue us with your mighty power!
When the “O Antiphons” start to be used in the Mass and in our daily prayers everyone knows that Christmas is near. The “O Antiphons” are also a great focus to your prayer life prior to Christmas. Consider the above antiphon with the line “come to rescue us with your mighty power!” Try spending a few minutes this week praying over this line and recalling how the joy of Christmas comes not from gifts or decorations, but rather from God’s saving work of salvation that begins with the birth of Jesus Christ.
If you are looking for a time to pray before Christmas, come and join your fellow parishioners in the parish chapel on Sunday evening (the 15th and the 22nd) at 6pm for an hour of prayer and adoration.
In other news.
If you are seeking to go to the Sacrament of Confession before Christmas these are the last dates for reconciliation at St. Anne Parish:
Sunday, December 15th at 6pm
Wednesday, December 18th at 7pm
Saturday, December 21st at 3.30pm
Sunday, December 22nd at 6pm
You can also check the bulletin for a listing of nearby parishes that have parish confession services this week with a large number of priests present to help hear confessions.
Please do not wait for Sunday, December 22nd to go to the Sacrament of Confession. On that date I will hear confessions until all are heard, but there will only be me hearing confessions and if 50 people show up to go to confession on the last possible day you might be waiting for some time.
There will not be confessions on Wednesday, December 25th or Wednesday, January 1st.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Eickhoff