A Note From Father Eickhoff

November 3, 2024

First off, I want to thank everyone who helped with the Pig Roast last Sunday. We had a lot of help from parishioners who helped to organize the event and helped to serve the food during the Pig Roast. To these volunteers I want to say thank you on behalf of the parish and especially on behalf of all the parishioners who were able to join us for a great lunch. I definitely like seeing the parish hall filled with parishioners – including many young families – who are having a good time and staying for an hour or two simply enjoying each other’s company.

The second topic that I am bringing up today is the upcoming second collection for the Seminarian Endowment Fund that will be taken up next weekend (November 9-10). St. Anne Parish was scheduled to have a seminarian by the name of Christopher Otieno speak at all the Masses this upcoming weekend about seminarian education and his own preparations for the priesthood. Unfortunately, I have learned that he has broken his leg and will not be able to come next weekend. I thought the phrase “break a leg” applied to the moment you talk to the crowd, not a week ahead of time. In any case, I ask that you pray for him and for his quick recovery. This does mean that instead of hearing from an aspiring priest you will have to listen to one of us old priests during the homily. Sorry.

I do hope that you will support the Seminarian Endowment Fund next weekend. The goal of the second collection is to create a specific fund whose sole purpose is to help pay for the education of future priests of our own diocese. Catholic men who believe themselves called to the priesthood usually spend six to eight years in preparation and education before being ordained priests. Much of that time is in a university setting studying theology and philosophy. In addition, these men spend time in parishes and other settings such as hospitals gaining practical experience of ministering to people. All of this takes money to pay for tuition, housing, and other expenses. Your donations to this fund can help the diocese continue to prepare new priests for our parishes.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff