DASH 2 (typically 7th Grade) Students

**The purpose of DASH 2 is to focus on Jesus as a person through the New Testament (parables and miracles) & Moral Decision Making

**At specific times Confirmation will be a strong theme, though each session is about Confirmation preparation because it is all about learning to be a better disciple.

**See below for other expected Confirmation components which are separate from DASH sessions but part of Confirmation preparation.

NEW for 2024-2025 year there are 3 different options.

1) Full Year on Sundays from 5 – 7pm. This group will continue to be the youth ministry model.
2) Full Year on Mondays from 6 – 7:15pm.  This class will be more textbook based.
3) Full Year on Tuesdays from 4:45 – 6pm. This class will be more textbook based.
4) 1st semester on Sunday from 5 – 7pm and 2nd semester remote work with parent assistance utilizing curriculum from Catholic Connections Handbook and Scripture but based off Season 1 of the TV series “The Chosen.”

2024-2025  DASH 2 & 3 Calendar

Also new for this year is a change in our attendance policy. For the past 10 years students have been expected to do make-up work in the case of any absence.  This year, with more options for a family’s schedule, there is a tighter attendance policy allowing for only 2 hours missed per semester but not giving make-up content unless it is an extra important lesson.

EXTRA THINGS TO KNOW & DO for this level:

1)  “All about Me?” parent/child project   Template given to students via Google Classroom.

2) “Catholic Role Model” (aka Sponsor choice) reflection (w/parent help) due in Spring. The template will be given to students via Google Classroom.

3) Ministry Project

4) DASH 2 Faithboosters

  • These choices are a way to lead students to experience different prayer styles and prepare them for their prayer time in DASH 3. These are personal (some family) faith experiences that are done outside of DASH, and outside of Mass, that boost their faith/prayer life.
  • During 2nd semester, students will choose 3 different Faithboosters from the list and share a reflection in Google Classroom. Family Faithboosters are ideal, but many are individual. Aside from a movie choice which will be longer, each experience should be about approximately 45min – 1 hour.