God’s Dwelling is with His People

Week of April 24, 2016

As we continue our journey in the season of Easter, we are invited to recognize the promise of God that has been true since the beginning of the world.  God longs to make His dwelling with us.  In the days of nicer weather we have watched nature prepare itself for new life.  From the nests being built by birds to the holes being dug in the garden by squirrels; nature is on the move. In the same way since the beginning of time, God has been preparing His people.  In the right time of His choosing, He sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world.  As He commissioned His disciples to go forth and Baptize to the ends of the earth, God prepared our hearts to come to know Him and love Him.  In our time, God visits His people in the seven Sacraments.  In these, His real presence makes His dwelling in the here and now.  What an incredible love.  What a patient God.

Just like all of nature, we must be on the move.  We must be constantly expanding our realization of the depth and breadth of the love of God.  We must make it our daily prayer to create within ourselves an environment for receiving God.  It is not enough to do this just during Lent.  As God makes His dwelling place within us, we are called to radiant joy.  We are called to radical grace.  We are called to open ourselves up to Him.

All of this is to become the foundation of our lives.  To see the wonder and awe of God moving in our community, we need to just open our eyes and see a community who gathers.  By our very gathering and proclaiming our belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist we are blessed beyond measure.  God never wanted to be distant from us.  God never wanted to abandon us.  His love, His joy is with His people.  He tells us there is more joy over one repentant sinner, more joy in finding the lost sheep.  All of this comes from the realization that God wants to be a part of our everyday lives.

When God says He wants to dwell with His people, He means us; you and I.  Are we unworthy? Yes. Are we unfit for such an experience? Yes.  But the choice is not ours, it is His. He chooses us.  How blessed are we?

Rev. John J. Ouper