A Note From Father Eickhoff

September 11, 2022

This weekends Gospel reading is very familiar.  The parable of the father welcoming his younger son back into the family is one of the most famous Gospel passages.  It has been the subject of countless paintings and other artwork down through the centuries.  Not to mention the subject of a whole lot of sermons.  Rather than writing about the parable itself today I would like to focus on how we come to know this Gospel parable so well.

The best way to learn this Gospel parable is through being exposed to it at an early age. Through coming to Mass and hearing it proclaimed and by being instructed in the meaning of the parable by teachers.  The youth of St. Anne Parish have this opportunity to learn about the Holy Scriptures, the Sacraments of the Church, and the teachings of Jesus Christ as to how to live a holy life.  The Religious Education program will begin next weekend at all the Masses during the weekend of September 17 and 18.

I will no doubt make a big deal next weekend of thanking the volunteers from our parish who will be assisting in the Religious Education program.  However, I will start this weekend by giving a preview of my gratitude to the men and women who will be giving of their time to assist the youth of the parish in learning about the Christian faith.  I hope that all the parishioners of St. Anne Parish will join me next weekend in thanking these volunteers.  It takes a large number of volunteers to make the RE program function well.  These are the parishioners who fill the roles of teacher and catechist; but there are also volunteers who help out by monitoring the parking lots and interior spaces of the building, and volunteers who assist in the RE office by preparing the educational material for the teachers and catechists.

I hope that all the parishioners of St. Anne Parish will join me next weekend in thanking these volunteers.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Stephen Eickhoff