Our New Start Line With God Begins With Trust
November 28, 2021
On this first week of the liturgical season of Advent we are reminded by the Prophet Jeremiah that God will fulfill His promise. These days are coming, he says, when the covenant of David will find fulfilment in the new life of a Savior. It is one thing to know that God has the power to do it, but it is another to trust that He will. We have been waiting to get back to the new normal. We have been waiting for signs, some found in numbers of a positivity rate, others in the opening up of restrictions. We have been waiting to hear from those in authority that things will be different and there is a reason for new hope. Advent offers us time to reflect on how true God has been. It is a chance to start over with a fresh heart to rekindle our trust. We most likely will not find this kind of trust in society but we must search for it from within.
When I was preparing to run my first marathon ever, I had to move from always wanting to do one to actually signing up for one. This was a choice that required action. It also brought up fears such as, what if I can’t finish what I started? What will my family think of me if I do not cross the finish line? My response to the fear was to not tell my siblings or my parents. My trust in myself marching into the unknown was one thing, but a failure to finish in the sight of others was paralyzing. This brought me to a commitment to train. In researching lots of running programs that guaranteed a finish, the commitment to actually make the sacrifice and do the hard work had to be all mine. It was personal. I believed I would finish, but it was different to actually set my feet on the course and actually do it.
God can and will fulfill His promise. His was not just a promise that ended in biblical times. This promise invites a response, to be vigilant and pray for strength. The awareness that comes with being vigilant helps us see the movement of God in our lives and in the world. The strength that comes with intimate time with God in prayer fortifies our confidence. The Gospel today invites us to be prepared to stand before the Son of Man. This takes commitment and hard work. It takes trust that God will be true. It takes sacrifice to keep looking forward to the finish line, Eternal Life. This Advent, God invites us to begin again, knowing He can and will guide our footsteps.
May this Advent be like no other!
Fr. John