Our Help Comes From the Lord Who Made Heaven and Earth
June 26, 2022
It has been an incredible outpouring of love and support over these past days. I would like to thank all of you for the many wishes and commitment of prayer support you are sending me forth with. St. Anne’s is an incredible faith community. Ministries come alive because of the Grace of God. I have seen it with my own eyes.
I would like to thank our incredible Staff who day in and day out dedicate themselves to the service of the Gospel. Through them and with them the name of the Lord is lifted up for all to experience.
The Parish Council with the many Commissions make sure the mission of the Gospel reaches those in need. Over the years great changes happened because of their willingness to embrace new ways of doing things. We are stronger and wiser because everyone came together to give God the Glory.
I will treasure the recipes, cards and gifts that I take with me to St. Daniel the Prophet Parish. They speak to me of the goodness of God.
Know of my prayers for all of you. May you be as open and welcoming to Fr. Eickhoff as you have been to me.
As the journey continues,
may it find us in prayer for one another.
Fr. John