A Note From Father Eickhoff
July 21, 2024
This week St. Anne Parish will be hosting Vacation Bible School. This is always a major event for the parish and I ask all of you to pray for its success and that the children will enjoy their time deepening their Christian faith. I also ask that you keep the many volunteers (both teens and adults) who will be helping to run VBS this year in your prayers. Since they will be helping keep track of many young children they will need every prayer that they can get. Without their assistance it would not be possible to hold Vacation Bible School.
On Friday, July 26th at 7pm St. Anne Parish will hold a special Mass in honor of our patron saint, Anne, the Mother of Mary. This is an important date to not only ask our patroness in heaven for her prayers on our behalf, but also to celebrate the life of our parish. After the Mass of Thanksgiving there will be an outdoor (weather permitting – I’m writing this article the morning after the big storms on Monday night – if the weather is bad we will hold the reception in the parish hall) reception with snacks. So please come out and spend some time with your fellow parishioners. And just like last year feel free to bring lawn chairs and other picnic items and spread out under the trees in the back lawn of the parish grounds.
It’s not too early to mark your calendars for the upcoming Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This solemnity is a Holy Day of Obligation, and it will take place on Thursday, August 15th this year. There will be masses held at St. Anne at 7am, 12pm, and 7pm.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Eickhoff