A Note From Father Eickhoff
September 10, 2023
In today’s Bulletin Article I want to highlight and thank the volunteers who have stepped forward to assist in the St. Anne Parish Religious Education Program. The RE program here at St. Anne serves around 500 of our youth each year. In the RE program these children learn what it means to know and love God and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. This program simply is not possible without the assistance of many volunteers who step forward as teachers, classroom aides, office staff, and safety monitors. These volunteers do not simply show up once a week for the RE program. No, these volunteers are also taking the time each week to prepare their lessons so that they may better serve the youth of the parish. The volunteers met this past week here at the parish in order to prepare for the RE program year which begins the week of September 18. Once again, thank you to all the volunteers who make the Religious Education program here at St. Anne Parish possible.
I also want to highlight several scripture study groups that are beginning their Fall programs this month. Catholics often shortchange themselves by not spending enough time to become familiar with the Holy Scriptures. This is unfortunate as knowledge of the Bible is a fundamental part of our Catholic faith. If you are unsure as to how to start becoming more knowledgeable of the scriptures, there are several programs at St. Anne Parish that can help. Starting this month two separate Bible Study Groups will begin their Fall meetings. You can find more information about each of these groups in the parish bulletin.
- † The first is the St. Anne Thursday night bible study. The focus this Fall will be on the Book of Job which is the classic account of why does evil happen to good men.
- † The second is the Transfigured Scripture Study which will be studying the Parables found in the Gospels. They will meet on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am to 11am in the Joachim Center. The first meeting date will be September 13th.
- † In addition, the Men’s Spirituality group will be focusing on reading and praying with the upcoming Sunday scripture readings during their Wednesday night meetings held in the Joachim Center from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.
I also want to point out that St. Anne Parish will be starting a three-part series exploring the Catholic meaning of the Holy Eucharist in October. This series is called Presence: the mystery of the Eucharist and the first session will be held on October 3rd with both a morning session and an identical evening session. More information is in the bulletin and the parish website.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Eickhoff